Saturday, October 09, 2010

Before the Morning

Been going on YouTube during study intervals to listen to some contemporary christian music and also christian radio, namely Spirit 105.3 FM. Found this song, and its ministered to me in a way that tells me that; no matter what pain I am going through or will go through, it cant compare with the joy that's coming. I also found the story behind the creation of this song, and its amazing. I'll paste it below in a link for you who want to enjoy it.

Mid terms are coming up; 2 tests next week. Tuesday is Mechanics of Materials, and Thursday is Applied Chemistry. I've never been good at chemistry, but I'm trying my best to understand the slides. Following next week would be the much needed semester break, before the rest of the mid terms file in one by one. Hopefully I'll be able to concentrate more on some other non-academic stuff in life.

Took this picture about 2 weekends ago at the Children's day outing to botanical gardens. A combination of the p5 and p6 from the 1st session. Putting aside the low class turnout due to exams and PSLE, we had alot of fun just running around and spending time with the kids.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Happy Children's Day, and the not-so-young shall continue to study...

Having a season of closeness with God now, and its really refreshing. Naturally cos of such seasons, been praying abit more lately.The Word of God is really true; the more I pray, I have many more temptations coming into my mind. From time to time, my thoughts start to stray, but its so much easier to stand up against all these temptation with God's strength.

Been a bit more active in Campus Crusade; leading worship and getting warmed up in the Evangelism comm. One thing we have to do is to plan the evangelism direction of the whole crusade ministry on the whole. Been committing its direction to God. One of the many interesting things that I took away from the Don Carson Talk 2 weekends ago is that the Church is always just one generation away from extinction. Been pondering the truth on this, and to highlight just three examples to quote.

First, the 7 churches in the book of revelations; all of them situated in the current country of Turkey about 2000 years ago. Few years ago, in this country of a few millions, only 35 christians were left.

Second, the Welsh revival in 1904 to 1905 in Wales; the greatest in Wales ever, whereby the farmers lost one-third of their vocabulary (vulgarities) such that the animals could no longer understand instructions. Yet now, christianity is an all time low since then.

Thirdly, not many decades ago, USA was still a christian nation built upon christian foundations and values. Now, its been declared that this nation is no longer a christian nation.

Will this happen in our generation in this country? Its a question I often ask myself these days.

When God is leading the way, you dont really need to know where you're going.