Monday, August 24, 2009

Yay! Finally, after almost 2 long weeks, my chilli plant had finally shown its first leaves. I was seriously near the point of giving up on the plant, since the instruction manual said that it should sprout in 5 days, yet it took about 2 weeks for my case.

We can easily translate this into the spiritual realm and use it as an analogy, and rightfully so, since Jesus had compared christians to seed bearing plants in some of His analogies (e.g. the wheat, the grapevine...). Oh well, for now, I am jsut delighted that it managed to grow. The plant is like the most interesting thing i have in my room.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Due to one of the modules in school, I've been led to change my BSF from the monday class at Telok Ayer Methodist Church, to the class at Novena on tuesday. It's God's grace that the transfer was effected and within a week, i was allocated a class.

Of course, this would mean that i had to leave my BSF group mates whom i had grown comfortable with, and start all over again in a new environtment. A rather fresh start for now, i would say. The first lecture i went to on tuesday was like dew falling on withering grass, refreshing. I've got one of my major questions in the bible answered. It goes like this;

We all know that the first 5 books were traditionally called the Books of Moses, or the Mosaic books, which meant that Moses himself wrote all these books. Now, here is the funny thing i had been thinking and thinking, in Numbers 12:3 -

(Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.)

My question up till now had always been, 'How can anyone so humble, ever write such a thing of himself?'

I think the lecturer explained this in a very acceptable way, and i can at last swallow this verse down without choking. There are 2 ways to view it, according to her;

1) The words are in brackets, suggesting that the words could be added in later by other people
2) The Holy Spirit Himself might have led Moses to write such a revelation about himself, as even Jesus also spoke of himself in similiar fashion. It was not a boast, but a stating of fact.

Now, i can sleep well. haha

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

TVM ( TV Mobile ) quote of the day: To conquer all fear is the beginning of wisdom.

I was looking at the above quote and it looked uncomfortably familiar, which was when i realised that the second part was actually from the bible in the book of proverbs(if i'm not wrong), but the first part is reads differently. The bible actually says that 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom'.

Its all these kinds of half truth that slowly make us drift away from the things which the Lord tells us. Any lay christian would just look at this quote and think that it makes sense, and indeed it does, but needs to be expanded upon. This statement should only hold if the conquering of fear is overcome by the fear of Lord.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Uni have started, though not the tutorials. Bunking with a dear bro in Christ, Jem. He's majoring in maths and he showed me the following maths theory.

Let a = b <--- Equation 1 Hence, a2 = ab

a2 - b2 = ab - b2

( a - b )( a + b ) = ( a - b ) b

a + b = b

Hence, subbing Equation 1 into the above equation, we get the following;

2b = b

and hence, 2 = 1

So, my conclusion is, why study maths? haha

On a good note, i realised that Chaoqun is also staying in my block, and wendy too, staying in my hall. The most pleasant surprise thus far in hall 7. haha.

And, i was looking through the hall(hostel) rule book. It says no pets allowed. I'm so sad, wanted to rear a pet lobster. lol. its cheap, and EDIBLE. so, in the end i decided to just plant the let the chilli seeds which i bought in Taiwan germinate, and thus enjoy the slow but joyful process of seeing it bear flowers and lastly, EDIBLE chilli. haha.

Monday, August 10, 2009

NTU, here i come!!!! :(
Oh, whats with the sad face?

I'm being overwhelmed by a certain uncertainty. Looking at the list of things i have to lug to the hostel, i'm kinda apprehensive at how is Hall 7 gonna be a home away from home (though i was the one who asked for hall).

I'm gonna miss my NEW kitchen, my NEW bed, the NEW table, the NEWly painted ceiling fans, the...... etc, and lastly, the NOT SO NEW irritating bother brother.

Monday, August 03, 2009

so, i'm here to attempt to make people think that i am trying to revive my blog, though i am not in the mood to blog. haha. Its been a sickening(pun intended) period, as it had also been a busy and overwhelming period. Spiritually, its like i just realised that i havent been getting a reception from up there since ages, even though i've been charging up daily(with very few exceptions).

Not really in a good mood about it.

Secondly, i've been posted to hall 7 in NTU. I just saw the map of NTU this afternoon. Hall 7 of NTU and the Main Entrance of NTU is as far as east is from the west. To add to that, my monday's a super busy day, and cos of it, there's some rearrangement in my currently comfortable life.

Feeling even worse now.

And to top it off, I dont know why my blogger cant upload photos. wonderful.