Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How I wish I were a fly that a chameleon would swallow,
A fish that a cat could eat, bone that dog may chew on.
At least then, my existence would have served a purpose
When studying don't yield the results which others reap from theirs
I find myself asking, 'God, why like that?"

Maybe, just maybe, God made me without study-discipline,
so that i might learn it on earth.
Maybe, only maybe, God made me without a spiritual antenna,
so that i might learn to trust more in the Word.

After all these I ask myself, decades down the road, does my results now matter?
It would only be used to encourage the younger generation to outshine me.
Still, if God willing, I will have a family, as if I wont have one when God wills.
I came to a conclusion and that, 'Its the process that matters."
Yet, I am now in this process, and though when I look back it might not matter,
but for now, I'm in a sandpit, so God, please remember me.

The waves wash new sand ashore,
sandcastles are remembered no more.
My confusions and sores,
Only God's love can cover all.

Everyday brings forth obstacles and struggles,
Every one of them might be followed by a familiar ache.
Part of man's lot, the hurting and the healing,
Seeing close friends and brothers losing themselves,
All a passing phase, viewed with tears flowing from the heart.

-dedicated to recent events and thoughts.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Surprises of surprises, its my second post in 1 hr when i can forget about for the last 2 weeks. Yeah i was too preoccupied studying(or at least like to think so), so now since its my recess week, i thought i'll clock abit of entries. haha.

Finally, its time for me to explore PhotoBooth. Its such a delight.

See those green eyes? They turn green when i am thinking about my hometown in Mars.
Lol, just joking.

This is the cute little thing(duckie) which welcomes me back each time i return to hall. Its been given to me by a secondary school lit teacher. haha(this is true ok, not talkin crap, haha)

Me, my twin brother, and duckie. Just for records sake, the 'one' who likes to talk nonsense and act like a monkey, thats my twin bro. The name's Handsome Lim. Now you know why people sometimes call me 'Handsome'. I kid you not... I am the one on the right though, but since you cant tell the difference, why not just say that both are handsome.. haha


after a busy day studying, its time to just relax...
There, cheers to the blogger team which finally make it seem as though my blogger's picture update icon is working. I shall henceforth introduce you all to.. my dear plants...

Here's my chilli plant, the right one being the 3rd-borned, while the left one is the youngest-4th.

Arent they pretty? I figured so.

This is my second borned. The eldest is also like it. I think its because i transplanted those 2 when they were much younger, so the garden soil i bought for them did not contain as much nutrients as the chemical composites that the 3rd and the 4th are still in. well well, at least their roots have more room...

Now, heres the rosemary plant which i had been trying to plant. Dont be mistaken, its not the big christmastree-like thing you see. That, my friend, is also a rosemary plant, but its a plant which i planted from the excess ingredients over the weekend cooking 2 weeks ago. If you will look closer at the picture below...

Yes, this photo. As you can see, there is a little green thing toward the bottom of the can..

There, its that little snub. Its the biggest its grown so far in the last 40plus days since i started tending it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The chilli plants are growing quite fine now. Theres an average of like 6~7 leaves per plant, whichis rather healthy. They are all in the green of health. lol. My firstborn chilli plant and second born, which i had transplanted, dont seems to be growing as fast as the 3rd and the 4th. In fact, though the 3rd and 4th grew 1 week later, they are like rapidly catching up. Boy, i'm so gonna get a camera phone these few days so i could show some pictures. haha

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Alright, now to do a little update on my chilli plant.

Just last week, when i thought that there would only be 1 chilli plant per 'can' of soil thingie i bought from taiwan, out grew 2 more, and they were both competing for sunlight and nutrients. So, over the weekend, i braved the heavy rain to go to a nursery near church to buy 2 more pots and some soil, along with some fertilizers. Thought that I will transplant them when they grow a little bit stronger. However... a 4th chilli plant started to sprout on tuesday night, all 4 plants in that little plot of canned soil, with the radius of the can less than 3.5cm. Pathetic.

How big is that plot of soil? more or less the size of a can of coke. With 4 plants growing in it. For those who dont know how big a chilli plant can grow, heres a picture.

Here's one plant, in one pot. 4 would have been super over crowding. Hence, when i think that i will most probably be investing in growing my own spices, i promptly transfered my first-born and second-born seedlings to the new pots. Its like the Intensive Care Unit for plants. So far, i've been monitoring them, and they are doing quite well.

Now, thats the update for the chilli plant. I've also opened another can of soil and have been watering it since 3 weeks ago. Been quite frustrating, cos the manual only said that it would take about 5 to 7 days, but its been no less than 15 days. So, half of me have been praying that it might actually not sprout at all, so i can tranplant the 4th chilli plant into that small pot of soil, which contains some fertilizers.

So the story went that, on Tuesday, which was a busy busy day for me, i went down to Xiao Xin's newly rented place to cook a farewell lunch-ner for James Tan and HongRui cos they're flying off to further their studies. Was in the kitchen with Xiao Xin(he cooked roasted lamb leg, chocolate tart, and an italian veg dish), and i was preparing for the carbonara, roasted potato and carrots in herbs oil(sth i learnt from my chef cousin), when i commented that herbs are so expensive, and how i wish i can actually grow some myself, esp the more important ones like thyme and rosemary. Xiao Xin nodded in agreement. Now, about 6 hrs ago, when i just came back from a very tiring lab lesson, i frustratingly looked at pot of soil i've been watering for 3 weeks and caught sight of sth. That specific pot of plant requires about 20 days to germinate! (sth is wrong with the manual, now i know why) Even better, i saw that the pot of plant i was trying to plant, was actually the Rosemary plant! Best of all, i caught sight of a little shoot peeking from under the earth. WOOHOOOO!!!! my only regret was i did not buy thyme, which happened to be one of their products too. ahha. but, WHOOOOOOhooOOo~ haha. I've got spices. If it successfully grows, i wont have to keep buying those expensive herbs to cook. heh.

Thyme plant. Really nice smell.

Rosemary plant.