Monday, June 29, 2009

Back in Singapore at last. I'm not suppose to mention this, but for the sake of those who had been praying for my safety, i have to inform. In the last month, i have successfully passed Jeshua 2 of his shirts, and gone through a hastened commandos course in thailand. However, to keep all these training a secret, my commander had given us USD 5000 each to spend on food in 5 days, so that we will all look super fat and unfit, as if we went on a food spree all the way.

Needless to say, you would expect me to look a tat on the plump side. Its a coverup for the blood sweating, saliva drying, muscle tearing training back in thailand. Oh, and also to balance up the car when our dear friend joseph drives me around. Serious.

The food in thailand was exceptionally good. Went to the fast food restaurant and the food was really fast. By food being fast, i was meaning that the food was running all over the place, and we had to catch em. We had the usual dish of mouth watering French Flies(yes, flies, not fries), parseman cheese alligator, stir fried T-Rex, BBQ Cheetah, boiled whole catapillars with garlic... the list goes on and on.

I was talking to Jeshua about the serum he had and all the side effects. Wow.(Refer to for more information.) What's more amazing was, i talked to the scientist which discovered this(I'm quite into science myself), and realised that this serum that our dear friend had taken, was actually a sample of Cat's Urine. Shh, dont tell jeshy pls. Be nice. Oh well, that is also the main reason why the guinea pigs die so fast. They are rodents, and rodents simply cannot live with cats. Not even cat's smell, much less their urine. That is also probably why Jeshy was able to get the night visions like cats do, and all his heightened sense of smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing, and his sixth sense: non-sense.

The antidote on the other hand, was rather interesting. I spoke also the to head scientist in charge of this, and he told me with a smirk, that the antidote was just a simple sample of Dog Urine. Yeah, it kind of makes sense now. Cats are generally scared of dogs. That explains why the ill effects have gone down. However, there are side effects for the antidote too, though not lethal. The head scientist tells me that we can more or less expect our dear jeshy to start going around, peeing and marking territory, panting, eating leftover food(as if he isnt already doing that), looking blurr and trying to be adorable(yucks! cant imagine him doing that). Worse case, he will start howling and barking people around. Sounds fair enough, at least we got our dear friend back.