Friday, November 30, 2007


Totally and fanta-bulously screwed by you, my trusted mate.
Look, this is what happens when u hunger after something which is not your sole reason for existence.

And the most testing thing is that, i still have to be there for this mate because of obligations.

Good in a sense... Testing grounds...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Holding on to God, its never a bad move. What an exciting roller coaster, of ups and downs, and near heart attack moments. Cant say i am appreciating this, but i am being exposed to a whole new spectrum of thoughts and, best of all, i know i am gonna pull through.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

because the wealthy have another set of problems...

Now when I've gotten such a physically slackening posting, i've decided at the spur of the moment that i should pick up blading all over again. Yes, i still have my blades, and i still have the same feet size, so i did not think i will be having any problems.

Not that easy, i realised.

Maybe i was a little too ambitious.

Thats why when i was at home in Kembangan, my target destination was at Tampines. So i went on when i thought would be a 45 mins journey but ended up being near 2 hrs long.

Here's what i learnt.

1) When your feet is not seasoned, dun be garang and go for a quarter-island journey. U'll end up getting demoralised, and more importantly, u'll be getting lots and lots of blisters.

2) When you start, dont stop. U might never want to start again.

3) Its always good to have good music to listen to. Keeps u in the right mental condition.

4) Obey traffic regulations. If not, be prepared to be rolled over by a van.

5) When you are on a bumpy road, you are on a bumpy road. There's nothing else you can do, but what's important is, u're moving towards your destination.

6) Dont get yourself in too big a hole, esp when blading over drain covers. You might end up getting stuck.

7) Find a good obstacle in your way to bang into, eg. fence , esp when going down a particular steep slope near kembangan.

8) When you have to jump, jump. it might be a fastest way to clear an obstacle.

9) When you cant jump, stop. If not, your lapse of attention might cos you your handsome face.

10) When u see a gal, either stop and appreciate, if not get going and stop thinking. If not, you might fall flat on your face.

11) When you fall, get back on your feet fast. Because the pretty gal might still be around.

12) Rollerblading is much slower than the MRT.

13) Time to change a new pair of blades.

14) When you are a noob, you are a noob. Wear your protective gears.

15) When you cant see the road in front of you, cross your fingers and pray hard that there isnt any tree trunk in the way.